Cause and effect of deforestation pdf

Deforestation implies the longterm 10 years or permanent loss of forest cover. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Agriculture is one of the primary drivers of deforestation both in modern times and in ancient times. The changes in area of forest by region and subregion are shown in table 1. Increasing human population day by day is increasing the need for land on the earth for agricultural, industrial, residential, commercial, cities and other purposes which involves permanent forest removal. Results support modernization theory, indicating that the level of urbanization has a curvilinear effect on the rate of deforestation, that economic growth contributes to deforestation, and that. Mar 08, 2017 but the governments decision to spread people to all over indonesia by this program gives negative effect to the forest.

As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, a layer forms in the atmosphere that traps sun radiation. As a result of massive global urbanization and agricultural development, deforestation is a major factor contributing to climate change. Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides forest. This is due to the fact that, at its base, urban sprawl is driven by overpopulation. Opting for paperless bills, checks and payments significantly contributes towards mending the harmful effects of deforestation cattle grazing is one of the primary causes of deforestation. Assess your understanding of the causes and consequences of. This has resulted in an increase in the zoonosis the nipah virus. Deforestation is primarily a concern for the developing countries of the tropics myers, 1994 as it is shrinking areas of the tropical forests. Typically, deforestation is clearing a lot of trees without the intention of establishing future growth. There are two key issues that surround deforestation. Pdf on apr 25, 2012, sumit chakravarty and others published deforestation.

Tropical deforestation and climate change edited by paulo moutinho and stephan schwartzman. In this case, agriculture is the main immediate driver of deforestation, which is influenced by underlying factors, such as the expansion of. There is a clear linkages between deforestation and worlds demands of fiber, food, and fuel understanding the underlying or indirect causes of deforestation is crucial to address redd and climate change most deforestation is driven from outside forestry sector e. Deforestation was done for transmigration programs. Background although global warming is scientifically accepted, its cause is still disputed.

Essay on deforestation in english deforestation paragraph. Jul 11, 2016 we need paper, timber, wood, fuel and so on which cannot be blamed or denied as the reason for deforestation. Deforestation causes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Deforestation definition, causes, effects, and control. In many countries, people clear land to use it for other purposes, such as agriculture, pasture land, and urban development. Causes, effects and control strategies find, read and cite all the research you. First off, cutting down forests or, worse yet, intentionally burning them releases insane amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Deforestation essay 5 300 words deforestation is the finishing of the forests by the human beings. It consists of a complex of social, political, economic. It is well known that deforestation is a big problem in the world today, with hundreds and even thousands of vulnerable forest being cut down both for tinder and to make way for arable farmland for cows and other livestock. Indeed some 31 countries do not even make the list because they have already removed most of their forests and even if that remain are seriously fragmented and degraded. The main causes of deforestation in ethiopia are shifting agriculture, livestock production and fuel in drier areas. Deforestation can also occur to produce the wood and organic materials needed for a variety of industries.

An increasing supplydemand for products such as palm oil and soybeans are driving producers to clear forests at an unnerving rate. The vast oldgrowth forests that once covered much of the world have largely been cut and burned down because of agriculture. Governments did deforestation to make houses for transmigrants, and every family chief got 2 hectares of land. Urban sprawl is one of the most difficult deforestationrelated issues to solve. This, in turn, leads to greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Essay on the meaning of deforestation essay on the history of deforestation in india essay on the causes for deforestation essay on the effects of deforestation essay. Learn reasons for deforestation and discover the consequences of this process in all.

There are several effects of deforestation on earths climate and nature. The drivers of tropical deforestation can be summed up as complex socioeconomic processes that are impossible to isolate a single cause. Deforestation leads to extinction of many plants, insects, animals, indigenous peoples that live relying on forests. The rising temperatures cause massive wildfires especially in the boreal forests. Agents, causes, and consequences of deforestation, degradation, and fragmentation.

According to 1993 world development report deforestation is defined as the permanent conservation of the forest land to other uses including pasture, shifting cultivation, mechanised agriculture or. The combined effect of grazing and fires can be a major cause of deforestation in dry areas. Deforestation can also be seen as removal of forests leading to several imbalances ecologically and environmentally. Trees absorb co2, helping to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. The causes attributed to deforestation are multivariate in nature, interrelated and differ at local, national as well as regional scale. Pdf restoration forestry or ecoforestry or sustainable forestry is basically not aimed to produce forest trees for logging or any sort of human. Pdf deforestation causes, impacts and restoration strategies. It also simultaneously eliminates one of the best natural air cleaning systems the planet has supplied. The main cause of deforestation is human needs most of which is luxury. While the secondary data source involved the search into published and unpublished materials relevant to the subject matter. Deforestation causes, effects and solutions conserve. Causes, effects and control strategies 5 deforestation are maintained.

According to the united nations framework convention on climate change unfccc secretariat, the overwhelming direct cause of deforestation is agriculture. Know what are the greenhouse gases deforestation also influences trees to release carbon stores. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Deforestation has a lot of consequences on the environment. Concluding remarks there is a clear linkages between deforestation and worlds demands of fiber, food, and fuel understanding the underlying or indirect causes of deforestation is crucial to address redd and climate change most deforestation is driven from outside forestry sector e. What makes deforestation alarming is the immediate and long term effects it is bound to inflict if continued at the current pace. In kenya, deforestation has led to an increase in malaria cases which is now the leading cause of morbidity and mortality the country. Deforestation has a lot of negative effects on our planet and environment. It a source of raw material which is used for the production of paper and also for construction. Deforestation is amongst the most detrimental activities we, as humans, are doing to cause, accelerate, and exacerbate climate change. In this model, we used the deforestation data for the 19872017 period obtained from a previous study as dependent variables and the potential causes of deforestation generated from geographic. Environmental effects like global warming, floods and droughts, soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change are caused due to deforestation. Download 5page research paper on cause and effect of deforestation 2020.

We read the cause and effect of deforestation in the amazon rainforest. Deforestation is the clearing of trees without the intent of replacing them or reestablishing a stand of trees. A major cause of deforestation is agriculture plantations. The first step in turning the wilderness into a shopping center is deforestation. Some of these efforts center on reducing co 2 emissions from deforestation, since. When deforestation occurs, many of the trees are burnt or they are allowed to rot, which results in releasing the carbon that is stored in them as carbon dioxide.

Global warming has deforestation as one of its major contributing factors and deforestation is also a key cause of greenhouse effect. Individuals for ecological deforestation to end, paper consumption must be drastically reduced. Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation are called greenhouse gases. The cause and effect of deforestation in the amazon. The effects of deforestation range from standard environmental like changes in the atmosphere and biodiversity, to economical impacts. The two other causes of deforestation is logging 14% and fuel wood removals 5% unfccc. Apart from being responsible for allowing gaseous carbon dioxide to linger in the atmosphere, deforestation also contributes towards increased carbon dioxide emissions. One of the primary cause of deforestation is the production of timber. Carbon is one of the key causes of global warming and reducing these gases will help to slow and stop the greenouse effect. This radiation gets converted to heat and causes global warming.

Atmospheric for global warming deforestation is the major contributor. Proximate causes and underlying driving forces of tropical deforestation pdf. Deforestation is the process of removing the forest ecosystem by cutting the trees and changing the shape of the. In the following, the causes, effects as well as solutions to the deforestation problem will be examined. The main cause of deforestation is agriculture, specifically subsistence farming 48% and commercial agriculture 32%. We need paper, timber, wood, fuel and so on which cannot be blamed or denied as the reason for deforestation. Thus, it is crucial to preserve our forests, especially the rainforest.

But the governments decision to spread people to all over indonesia by this program gives negative effect to the forest. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, deforestation is a direct contributor to the greenhouse effect and consequently global warming. The cause and effect of deforestation in the amazon rainforest. Deforestation and degradation of forests create ecological problems in every part of the. Deforestation leads to loss of cultural diversity, loss of biodiversity and. But why are humans as a species so careless about the precious natural resource. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to utilize the land or trees. Deforestation is an important factor in global climate change. Harvesting, forest fires, and insect infestations do not count as deforestation because the affected areas will eventually grow back. Dec 04, 2017 the effects of deforestation range from standard environmental like changes in the atmosphere and biodiversity, to economical impacts. Most of the clearing is done for agricultural purposesgrazing cattle, planting crops. The causes, effects and alternatives to deforestation in the rural. Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees and clearing land.

Thus, including sinks and agricultural lands meant in effect reducing the targets already negotiated. One possible effect is the change of the forest composition. Deforestation is the intentional clearance of forests by logging andor burning popularly known as slash and burn. To examine some causes and consequences of tropical deforestation. Deforestation has a lot of negative impacts on the environment, yet it is a continued practice. Deforestation in ethiopia is due to locals clearing forests for their personal needs, such as for fuel, hunting, agriculture, and at times for religious reasons. Deforestation and climate change congressional research service summary efforts to mitigate climate change have focused on reducing carbon dioxide co 2 emissions into the atmosphere. Dec, 2012 deforestation effects, causes, and examples. There is a lot of demand for timber and so deforestation increases. Deforestation is the clearing of forests to obtain lumber and provide space for either agricultural zones or urban development. The other issue is that trees are often cleared and burned.

We lose a large number of trees each year due to fires in the forest in various portions worldwide. From 1850 to 1990, deforestation worldwide including the united states released 122 billion deforestation deforestation regrowth undisturbed forest forest fragments figure 1. Isbn 9789535105695 contents preface ix section 1 forest management 1 chapter 1 deforestation. There is a clear correlation between deforestation and the prices of soybean. This can include clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for fuel, construction. For example, deforestation can cause a loss in biodiversity and can also indirectly contribute to the global warming problem. Deforestation causes and effects your home teacher. Farmers often clear the land for cattle by using slash and burn techniques cutting down trees and burning them. The loss of forests has a profound effect on the global carbon cycle.

Historical causes of deforestation while we are just now realizing the harmful effects that deforestation is having, the destruction of the forests has been going on since the dawn of man. These are just a few of the causes and effects of deforestation. The consequences of deforestation are mainly negative. However, not all deforestation is done with intent, for instance, natural wildfires and overgrazing national geographic. A few of the areas where it negatively affects our environment are discussed below. Deforestation defined broadly can include not only conversion to nonforest, but also. This type of essay may focus more on the causes or more on the effects, but most writers answer this question by thinking of an effect or a final result.

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